Priručnik Blaupunkt CR 65 BT Radioprijamnik s budilicom

Trebate priručnik za svoj Blaupunkt CR 65 BT Radioprijamnik s budilicom? U nastavku možete pogledati i besplatno preuzeti PDF priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku. Ovaj proizvod trenutno ima 3 često postavljanih pitanja, 0 komentara i ima 0 glasova. Ako ovo nije priručnik koji želite, kontaktirajte nas.

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Alarm setting: short press power button repeatedly to enter clock time interface, long press (2
seconds) alarm1 button to start alarm setting procedure, and the hour digits will flare on display,
Press previous/next button to adjust the desired hour, press and hold it to accelerate the
adjustment in high speed. Short press play/pause button to confirm and skip to minute setting.
By using the same method to finish the rest setting for alarm1's minute/alarm source/alarm
volume(between 15~30 level) selection, and press play/pause button to finish it. Then the unit
skip to alarm2 setting directly, which is same operation as alarm1. Short press alarm button
repeatedly to turn on the alarm1, alarm2 or both on display. A relevant alarm icon will show on
the right top corner of display, which means the alarm is working now.
Alarm on/off: you need turn on the alarm after finished the alarm setting. Press alarm button
repeatedly can turn on or off alarm1 and alarm2. Please make sure the relevant alarm icon LED
will light on display after your selection.
Alarming and snooze: when unit is sounding due to the alarm time is being, press the power
button to cancel the voice, and will wake up again at the same time of next day; if you short press
the snooze button, there will activate the snooze function. The alarm will silence temporarily and
wake up again after 9 minutes. Long press(2seconds) snooze button can check the remained
snooze time on display; Short press the power button can cancel the snooze function.
1. The unit will exist the clock or alarm setting mode when no key pressed in approximate 5
2. If your second alarm activate while the first alarm is sounding or it is in the snooze mode, the
second alarm overrides the first alarm (the first alarm will reset to come on the next day).
3. The alarm only works when the DC/AC power adaptor is connected. Please double check the
alarm setting in case of power interrupted.
4. The alarm voice duration time is 1 hour. FM radio and buzz is available to select as alarm source.
Radio operation
Before listen to the radio, please fully extend the antenna and move the unit next to the window
in order to get better FM reception. Short press power button repeatedly enter to radio mode;
press and hold volume +/ volume – to adjust the output volume level.
All-in-one scan(auto scan and save as preset station): long press(2 seconds) the play/pause
button to scan and save the available station automatically, max supported up to 60 preset
stations. Short press the previous/next button to select and switch the preset station. Short press
play/pause button can mute the sound, press it again to resume the output.
Manual memory station: Short press the set button first, press the previous or next button
repeatedly and immediately to tune the available station by step and step under 0.1MHz. In case
you tuned the favorite station, short press the set button immediately again, then the current
station will be saved automatically. The preset station number will be sequenced accord low to
high radio frequency automatically.
Repeat above operation to manual save other station.
Remove noise or weak preset station: long press the set button(2 seconds) can remove the
current playing preset station, and the next preset will forward and replace it.
Bluetooth operation
This product includes Bluetooth function which can wireless playback the music from other
Bluetooth device (like smart phone, tablet etc).
1. Short press power button repeatedly enter to Bluetooth mode. The Bluetooth symbol will flare
on display which means the unit is ready to pair.
2. Enable the Bluetooth function on your device, and search the available device (please
reference your device manual for operation), then check the available Bluetooth device on the
Preuzmite priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku (PDF, 1.79 MB)
(Čuvajte okoliš i ovaj priručnik ispišite samo ako je nužno)



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Više o ovom priručniku

Razumijemo da je lijepo imati papirnati priručnik za svoj Blaupunkt CR 65 BT Radioprijamnik s budilicom. Uvijek možete preuzeti priručnik s naše web stranice i sami ga ispisati. Ako želite imati originalni priručnik, preporučujemo da kontaktirate Blaupunkt. Oni bi mogli osigurati originalni priručnik. Tražite li priručnik za svoj Blaupunkt CR 65 BT Radioprijamnik s budilicom na drugom jeziku? Odaberite željeni jezik na našoj početnoj stranici i potražite broj modela da vidite imamo li ga na raspolaganju.

Tehnički podaci

Marka Blaupunkt
Model CR 65 BT
Kategorija Radioprijamnici s budilicom
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 1.79 MB

Svi priručnici za Blaupunkt Radioprijamnici s budilicom
Više priručnika za Radioprijamnici s budilicom

Često postavljana pitanja o Blaupunkt CR 65 BT Radioprijamnik s budilicom

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Što označavaju AM i PM? Potvrđeno

AM je skraćenica od Ante Meridiem i označava da je vrijeme prije podneva. PM je kratica za Post Meridiem i ukazuje da je vrijeme prošlo podne.

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Što je GMT? Potvrđeno

GMT znači Greenwich Mean Time, odnosno Greenwichko središnje vrijeme (ponekad se naziva i UTC, što znači Coordinated Universal Time, odnosno koordinirano svjetsko vrijeme). Riječ je o vremenu za nulti meridijan koji prolazi kroz Greenwich pokraj Londona.

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Koja je razlika između FM-a i AM-a? Potvrđeno

I FM i AM oblici su modulacije koji se upotrebljavaju za prijenos signala. FM znači Frequency Modulation (modulacija frekvencije), a AM Amplitude Modulation (modulacija amplitude). AM je najstariji oblik modulacije. Najveća je razlika to što je signal FM mnogo snažniji od signala AM.

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Priručnik Blaupunkt CR 65 BT Radioprijamnik s budilicom

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