Priručnik Braun SPI 2200 Satin Hair Sušilo za kosu

Trebate priručnik za svoj Braun SPI 2200 Satin Hair Sušilo za kosu? U nastavku možete pogledati i besplatno preuzeti PDF priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku. Ovaj proizvod trenutno ima 4 često postavljanih pitanja, 0 komentara i ima 0 glasova. Ako ovo nije priručnik koji želite, kontaktirajte nas.

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For additional protection, it is advisable to install a residual
current device (RCD) with a rated residual operating
current not exceeding 30 mA in the electrical circuit of
your bathroom. Ask your installer for advice.
Care should be taken not to block the inlet and outlet grill
when the hairdryer is switched on.
If either grill becomes blocked, the hairdryer will automati-
cally cut out. After cooling for a few minutes, it will switch
back on automatically.
Do not wrap the mains cord around the appliance.
Regularly check the mains cord for wear or damage,
particularly where it enters the product and the plug. If you
have any doubt about its condition take the appliance to
your nearest Braun Service Centre for checking/repair. The
mains cord of the appliance may only be replaced by an
authorised Braun Service Centre. Unqualified repair work
can lead to extreme hazards for the user.
This appliance is not intended for use by children or
persons with reduced physical or mental capabilities,
unless they are given supervision by a person responsible
for their safety. In general, we recommend that you keep
the appliance out of reach of children.
1 Switch
2 «satin protect™» button with light
3 Cold shot button
4 Protection filter
5 Ion switch with light
6 Concentrator nozzle
7 Diffusor attachment (only with SPI 2200 DF model)
Switch (1)
Two airflow and three temperature settings allow you to
personalize your hairdryer for a fast and efficient, but also
gentle drying.
Airflow Temperature
2 high high 3
1 low medium 2
0 off low 1
«satin protect™» Drying
By sliding up the «satin protect» button (2), you can reduce
the temperature setting, thus increasing the variety of
settings. «satin protect» makes drying even gentler by
avoiding high temperatures. This protects the hair texture.
The «satin protect» light shines when this function is
activated (a).
IONTEC is a technology which is specifically developed to
protect the health of your hair. It restores the moisture
balance of your hair that usually gets lost during styling with
excessive heat.
The IONTEC technology produces a rich stream of satin ions
that envelop every single hair. The ions calm hair, reducing
frizz and static to reveal your hair’s natural beauty and shine.
Push the ion switch (5). When hairdryer is in operation, the
ion light shines to show that ions are generated.
To obtain optimal results with the IONTEC technology, use
the hairdryer without attachments.
The effect of ions is less apparent when used in high
humidity environment.
Optimal styling with the IONTEC technology
Even if you normally use the hairdryer with attachment, finish
your styling without attachment to ensure maximum flow of
ions and a smoother, shinier, healthier looking result.
Cold shot (3)
To fix a style with cold air, press the cold shot button.
Protection filter (4)
Regularly wipe the filter clean. For a thorough cleaning,
remove the filter and clean it under running water.
Concentrator nozzle (6)
For precise styling use the concentrator nozzle.
Volume diffusor (7)
(only with SPI 2200 DF model)
Attaching the diffusor (b)
Align the notches on the rim of the diffusor attachment
with the slots in the hair dryer.
Push the attachment onto the hairdryer, then turn clock-
wise until the bayonet lock clicks into place.
To remove the diffusor, turn in the opposite direction and
Volume styling
... Short to mid-length hair:
To add volume and root lift, gently guide the diffusor fingers
with a small circular motion over your scalp. Continue
section by section.
... Long hair:
First dry hair ends by placing them onto the finger plate.
Then, with the diffusor, carefully lift the hair to your head and
hold. Finish off the roots with a gentle circular movement of
the diffusor fingers on the scalp to add some lift.
Subject to change without notice.
This product conforms to the European Directives
EMC 2004/108/EC and Low Voltage 2006/95/EC.
Please do not dispose of the product in the household
waste at the end of its useful life. Disposal can take
place at a Braun Service Centre or at appropriate
collection points provided in your country.
We grant a 2 year guarantee on the product commencing on
the date of purchase. Within the guarantee period we will
eliminate any defects in the appliance resulting from faults in
materials or workmanship, free of charge either by repairing
or replacing the complete appliance at our discretion.
This guarantee extends to every country where this appli-
ance is supplied by Braun or its appointed distributor.
This guarantee does not cover: damage due to improper
use, normal wear or use as well as defects that have a
negligible effect on the value or operation of the appliance.
The guarantee becomes void if repairs are undertaken by
unauthorised persons and if original Braun parts are not
To obtain service within the guarantee period, hand in or
send the complete appliance with your sales receipt to an
authorised Braun Customer Service Centre.
For UK only:
This guarantee in no way affects your rights under statutory
Avant la première utilisation de cet appareil, prenez le temps
de lire le mode d’emploi complètement et attentivement.
Branchez votre appareil uniquement sur courant alternatif
() et assurez vous que la tension correspond bien à celle
indiquée sur votre appareil.
Cet appareil ne doit jamais être utilisé sous la douche
ou à proximité de l’eau (ex. au dessus d’un évier ou
d’une baignoire remplie d’eau). Ne jamais laisser
l‘appareil se mouiller.
Débranchez systématiquement après utilisation. Même s’il
est arrêté, l’appareil présente toujours un risque quand il
est à proximité d’eau.
Pour une protection supplémentaire, il est conseillé de
faire installer un disjoncteur différentiel n‘excédant pas
30 mA de courant de fuite maximum admis dans le circuit
d‘alimentation de sa salle de bains. Demander conseil à
son installateur.
Prendre soin de ne pas obstruer les grilles d’arrivée et de
sortie d’air lorsque le sèche-cheveux fonctionne. Si l’une
de celles-ci est obstruée, le sèche-cheveux s‘arrête
automatiquement. Après un refroidissement de quelques
minutes, il se remettra en marche automatiquement.
Ne pas enrouler le cordon autour du sèche-cheveux.
Vérifier régulièrement que le cordon n‘est ni usé, ni
endommagé, en particulier au niveau de sa fixation au
sèche-cheveux ainsi qu‘à la prise. Si vous avez un doute
quelconque sur l‘état du cordon, le faire vérifier ou réparer
par un centre-service agréé Braun. Le cordon ne doit être
remplacé que par un centre-service agréé Braun car une
réparation non qualifiée peut entrainer des dommages
pour l’utilisateur.
Cet appareil n’est pas destiné à des enfants ou à des
personnes aux capacités mentales et physiques réduites
à moins qu’elles ne soient sous la surveillance d’un adulte
responsable de leur sécurité. Mais de manière générale
nous recommandons de maintenir cet appareil hors
de portée des enfants.
1 Interrupteur / réglage
2 Bouton lumineux « satin protect™ »
3 Touche air froid
4 Filtre de protection
5 Interrupteur lumineux fonction ionique
6 Embout concentrateur
7 Diffuseur volume (uniquement avec le modèle
SPI 2200 DF)
Interrupteur / réglage (1)
Les 2 positions de ventilation et les 3 réglages de tempéra-
ture vous permettent de personnaliser l’utilisation de votre
sèche-cheveu pour un séchage rapide et efficace mais tout
en douceur.
Ventilation Température
2 puissante chaude 3
1 modérée moyenne 2
0 arrêt basse 1
Séchage « satin protect™ »
Faites glisser le bouton « satin protect » (2) pour réduire la
température du flot d’air tout en conservant le réglage de
ventilation sélectionné. Le séchage « satin protect » vous
aide à maintenir les conditions naturelles d’hydratation des
cheveux et évite leur dessèchement. La lumière « satin
protect » s’éclaire lorsque la fonction est activée (a).
La technologie IONTEC a été spécialement développée
pour protéger la santé de vos cheveux. Elle rétablit le taux
d’hydratation de vos cheveux qui diminue généralement
3549101_SPI2200_Leporello.indd 33549101_SPI2200_Leporello.indd 3 03.03.2009 11:36:12 Uhr03.03.2009 11:36:12 Uhr
Preuzmite priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku (PDF, 3.3 MB)
(Čuvajte okoliš i ovaj priručnik ispišite samo ako je nužno)



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Razumijemo da je lijepo imati papirnati priručnik za svoj Braun SPI 2200 Satin Hair Sušilo za kosu. Uvijek možete preuzeti priručnik s naše web stranice i sami ga ispisati. Ako želite imati originalni priručnik, preporučujemo da kontaktirate Braun. Oni bi mogli osigurati originalni priručnik. Tražite li priručnik za svoj Braun SPI 2200 Satin Hair Sušilo za kosu na drugom jeziku? Odaberite željeni jezik na našoj početnoj stranici i potražite broj modela da vidite imamo li ga na raspolaganju.

Tehnički podaci

Marka Braun
Model SPI 2200 Satin Hair
Kategorija Sušila za kosu
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 3.3 MB

Svi priručnici za Braun Sušila za kosu
Više priručnika za Sušila za kosu

Često postavljana pitanja o Braun SPI 2200 Satin Hair Sušilo za kosu

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Postoji li BPA u plastici koja se koristi u Braunovim proizvodima? Potvrđeno

Braun ukazuje da u svim proizvodima nema BPA koji se koristi u dijelovima koji mogu doći u kontakt s hranom.

Ovo je bilo korisno (280) Čitaj više

Što radi ionski fen za kosu? Potvrđeno

Mnogi moderni sušila za kosu imaju ionsku funkciju. Ova funkcija koristi negativne ione kako bi zaštitila kosu i spriječila je da postane statična.

Ovo je bilo korisno (138) Čitaj više

Koja je optimalna udaljenost između moje kose i sušila za kosu? Potvrđeno

Sušilo za kosu najbolje je koristiti na udaljenosti od približno 20 centimetara.

Ovo je bilo korisno (73) Čitaj više

Mogu li omotati kabel oko uređaja nakon upotrebe? Potvrđeno

Bolje je to ne raditi jer to može oštetiti kabel. Najbolje je umotati kabel onako kako je bilo kad se proizvod pakirao.

Ovo je bilo korisno (69) Čitaj više
Priručnik Braun SPI 2200 Satin Hair Sušilo za kosu

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