Priručnik Candy FCXP625NXL Pećnica

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EN 06
3. Use of the Oven
3.1 Display description
WARNING : the first operation to carry out after the oven has
been installed or following the interruption of power supply
(this is recognizable the display pulsating and showing 12:00
) is setting the correct time. This is achieved as follows.
•Push the central button.
•Set time with "-" "+" buttons.
•Release all buttons.
ATTENTION: The oven will only operate providing the clock is set.
1. Minute minder
2. Clock setting
3. Cooking time
4. End of cooking
5. Temperature or clock display
6. LCD display adjustment controls
7. Thermostat selector knob
8. Function selector knob
•This function is typically used with
“cooking time” function.
For example if the dish has to be
cooked for 45 minutes and needs
to be ready by 12:30, simply select
the required function, set the
cooking time to 45 minutes and the
end of cooking time to 12:30.
•At the end of the cooking set time,
the oven will switch off
automatically and an audible alarm
will ring.
•Cooking will start automatically at
11:45 (12:30 minus 45 mins) and
will continue until the pre-set end-
of-cooking-time, when the oven
will switch itself off automatically.
If the END of cooking is selected
without setting the length of
cooking time, the oven will start
cooking immediately and it will
stop at the END of cooking time
•Child Lock function is
activated by touching Set (+)
for a minimum of 5 seconds.
From this moment on all other
function are locked and the
display will flash STOP and
preset time intermittently.
•Child Lock function is
deactivated by touching
touchpad Set (+) again for a
minimum of 5 seconds. From
this moment on all functions
are selectable again.
•Push the central button
1 times
•Press the buttons " " " "-+
to set the required time
•Release all the buttons
•When the set time as elapsed
an audible alarm is activated
(this alarm will stop on its own,
however it can be stopped
immediately by pressing the
button) SELECT.
•Sounds an alarm at the end of
the set time.
•During the process, the
display shows the remaining
•Allows to use the oven as alarm
clock (could be activated either
with operating the oven or with
out operating the oven)
Push the central button 2times
Press the buttons "-" or "+"to
set the lenght of cooking
Release all buttons
Set the cooking function with
the oven function selector
•When the time is elapsed the
oven will switch off
Should you wish to stop cooking
earlier either turn the function
selector to 0, or set time to 0:00
(SELECT and "-" "+" buttons)
It allows to preset the cooking
time required for the recipe
To check how long is left to run
press the SELECT button 2 Times.
To alter/change the preset time
press SELECT and "-" "+"
•Push any button to stop
the signal. Push the central
button to return to the clock
•At the time set, the oven
will switch off. To switch
off manually, turn the oven
function selector to
position O.
•Enables you to set the end of
cooking time
•To check the preset time push
the central button 3 times
•To modify the preset time
press buttons SELECT + " " " "-+
•Push the central button 3
times •Press the buttons " "-
" " to set the time at which you+
wish the oven to switch off
•Release the buttons
•Set the cooking function with
the oven function selector
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stjepan 15-12-2022
Pećnica BEKO, dolje ne peče, gore OK.

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Tehnički podaci

Marka Candy
Model FCXP625NXL
Kategorija Pećnice
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 7.75 MB

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Više priručnika za Pećnice

Često postavljana pitanja o Candy FCXP625NXL Pećnica

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Moja se pećnica ne zagrije dovoljno, što da radim? Potvrđeno

Termostat osigurava da se pećnice zagriju do zadane temperature. Vjerojatno je termostat neispravan. Zamijenite ga. Ako sumnjate, obratite se proizvođaču.

Ovo je bilo korisno (2771) Čitaj više

Što je piroliza? Potvrđeno

Neke su pećnice opremljene funkcijom pirolize. Ovo je sustav čišćenja koji sagorijeva nečistoću i masnoću u pećnici korištenjem vrlo visokih temperatura. Nakon pirolize, sva nečistoća pretvorila se u pepeo i lako se može ukloniti. Ako pećnica ima funkciju pirolize, preporučljivo ju je koristiti 3 do 4 puta godišnje kako bi pećnica bila čista.

Ovo je bilo korisno (2711) Čitaj više

Mogu li pripremiti nekoliko predmeta istovremeno koristeći više ladica za roštilj? Potvrđeno

Tehnički je to moguće. No, o vrsti hrane ovisi ako trebate prilagoditi vrijeme pripreme ili zamijeniti pladnjeve na pola tijekom pripreme.

Ovo je bilo korisno (691) Čitaj više

Kad koristim pećnicu, često ostane ostataka hrane koja padne na dno i uzrokuje dim. Kako to mogu spriječiti? Potvrđeno

Mnoge pećnice imaju rešetku i pleh. Kad se hrana priprema na rešetki, pladanj za pečenje može se postaviti na dno kako bi se spriječilo da ostaci hrane izgaraju i uzrokuju dim.

Ovo je bilo korisno (665) Čitaj više

Dim se u zagrijavanju nakuplja u pećnici, zašto je to tako? Potvrđeno

Vjerojatno su u pećnici ostali ostaci hrane od prethodne upotrebe. Posebno masni ostaci hrane mogu zagrijavati dim. Temeljito očistite pećnicu.

Ovo je bilo korisno (664) Čitaj više
Priručnik Candy FCXP625NXL Pećnica

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