Priručnik Flymo EM032 Easimo Kosilica

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If not used properly this product can be dangerous! This product can cause serious injury to the operator
and others, the warnings and safety instructions must be followed to ensure reasonable safety and
efficiency in using this product. The operator is responsible for following the warning and safety
instructions in this manual and on the product.
Explanation of Symbols on the product
Read the user instructions carefully to make
sure you understand all the controls and what
they do
Always keep the product on the ground when
operating. Tilting or lifting the product may cause
stones to be thrown out
Keep bystanders away. Do not operate whilst
people especially children or pets are in the
Beware of sharp blades - remove plug from
mains before maintenance or if cable is
Blades continue to rotate after the machine is
switched off.
Keep the supply cable away from the blade.
1. This product is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruction concerning
the use of the product by a person responsible for their
safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the product. Local regulations may restrict
the age of the operator.
2. Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these
instructions to use the product.
3. Stop using the machine while people, especially
children, or pets are nearby.
4. Only use the product in the manner and for the
functions described in these instructions.
5. Never operate the product when you are tired, ill or
under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicine.
6. The operator or user is responsible for accidents or
hazards occurring to other people or their property.
1. The use of a Residual Current Device (R.C.D.) with a
tripping current of not more than 30mA is
recommended. Even with a R.C.D. installed 100%
safety cannot be guaranteed and safe working practice
must be followed at all times. Check your R.C.D.
every time you use it.
Before use, examine the cable for signs of damage
or ageing. If the cable is found to be defective, take
the product to an Authorised Service Centre and
have the cable replaced.
3. Do not use the product if the electric cables are
damaged or worn
4. Immediately disconnect from the mains electricity
supply if the cable is cut, or the insulation is damaged.
Do not touch the electric cable until the electrical supply
has been disconnected. Do not repair a cut or
damaged cable. Replace it with a new one.
5. Your extension cable must be uncoiled, coiled cables
can overheat and reduce the efficiency of your mower.
6. Keep cable away from product, always work away from
the power point mowing up and down, never in circles.
7. Do not pull cable around sharp objects.
8. Always switch off at the mains before disconnecting
any plug, cable connector or extension cable.
9. Switch off, remove plug from mains and examine electric
supply cable for damage or ageing before
winding cable
for storage. Do not repair a damaged cable, replace it
with a new one. Use only Flymo replacement cable.
10. Always wind cable carefully, avoiding kinking.
11. Never carry the product by the cable.
12. Never pull on the cable to disconnect any of the plugs.
13. Use only on AC mains supply voltage shown on the
product rating label.
14. Husqvarna products are double insulated to
EN60335. Under no circumstances should an earth
be connected to any part of the product.
If you want to use an extension cable when operating
your product, only the following cable dimensions
should be used:
- 1.0 mm
: max length 40 m
- 1.5 mm
: max length 60 m
- 2.5 mm
: max length 100 m
Minimum rating:
size cable 10 amps 250 volts AC
1. Mains cables and extensions are available from your
local Approved Service Centre.
2. Only use extension cables specifically designed for
outdoor use.
1. While using your product always wear substantial
footwear and long trousers.
Do not operate the
equipment when barefoot or wearing open sandals.
2. Make sure the lawn is clear of sticks, stones, bones,
wire and debris; they could be thrown by the blade.
3. Before using the machine and after any impact, check
for signs of wear or damage and repair as necessary.
4. Replace worn or damaged blades together with their
fixings in sets to preserve balance.
1. Use the product only in daylight or good artificial light.
2. Avoid operating your product in wet grass, where feasible.
3. Take care in wet grass, you may lose your footing.
4. On slopes, be extra careful of your footing and wear
non-slip footwear.
5. Operate your product across the face of slopes,
never up and down.
6. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction
on slopes. Walk never run.
7. Using on banks and slopes can be dangerous. Do
not mow on banks
or steep slopes.
8. Do not walk backwards when operating, you could trip.
9. Never cut grass by pulling the product towards you.
10. Switch off before pushing the product over surfaces
other than grass.
11. Never operate the product with damaged guards or
without guards in place.
12. Keep hands and feet away from the cutting means at all
times and especially when switching on the motor.
13. Do not tilt product when the motor is running, except
when starting and stopping. In this case, do not tilt
more than absolutely necessary and lift only the part
which is away from the operator. Always ensure that
both hands are in the operating position before
returning the appliance to the ground.
14. Do not put hands near the grass discharge chute.
15. Never pick up or carry a product when it is operating
or still connected to the mains supply.
16. Remove the plug from the mains :
5054856-02 Visimo Euro Kingclean.qxp:???????-01 Visimo-Easimo Euro(Cleva) 26/1/11 08:10 Page 8
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Ovdje možete podijeliti što mislite o Flymo EM032 Easimo Kosilica. Ako imate pitanja, prvo pažljivo pročitajte priručnik. Zahtjev za priručnik možete izvršiti putem našeg obrasca za kontakt.

Više o ovom priručniku

Razumijemo da je lijepo imati papirnati priručnik za svoj Flymo EM032 Easimo Kosilica. Uvijek možete preuzeti priručnik s naše web stranice i sami ga ispisati. Ako želite imati originalni priručnik, preporučujemo da kontaktirate Flymo. Oni bi mogli osigurati originalni priručnik. Tražite li priručnik za svoj Flymo EM032 Easimo Kosilica na drugom jeziku? Odaberite željeni jezik na našoj početnoj stranici i potražite broj modela da vidite imamo li ga na raspolaganju.

Tehnički podaci

Marka Flymo
Model EM032 Easimo
Kategorija Kosilice
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 7.52 MB

Svi priručnici za Flymo Kosilice
Više priručnika za Kosilice

Često postavljana pitanja o Flymo EM032 Easimo Kosilica

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Kako znati kad je potrebno naoštriti oštrice na kosilici? Potvrđeno

Oštre oštrice pravilno režu travu. Tupe oštrice trgaju travu koja zatim postane smeđa. Ako kosilica trga travu, oštrice je potrebno naoštriti ili zamijeniti.

Ovo je bilo korisno (2406) Čitaj više

Što je malčiranje? Potvrđeno

Neke kosilice u stanju su malčirati. Malčiranje fino usitnjava travu i otpuhuje je natrag na travnjak. Tamo malč funkcionira kao prehrana i zaštita trave.

Ovo je bilo korisno (790) Čitaj više

Slučajno sam stavio dizel u svoju benzinsku kosilicu, što da radim? Potvrđeno

NEMOJTE koristiti kosilicu. Jedina mogućnost je potpuno isprazniti spremnik i napuniti ga pravim gorivom.

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Koja je najbolja duljina trave? Potvrđeno

Kako bi se spriječilo isušivanje trave, ona ne bi trebala biti prekratka. Bolje je češće kositi travu nego je rezati na prekratku duljinu. Optimalna je dužina između tri i četiri centimetra.

Ovo je bilo korisno (420) Čitaj više

Mogu li kositi travu kad je mokra? Potvrđeno

Moguće je, ali nije uputno. Kad je trava mokra, nakupit će se tijekom košnje, sprječavajući optimalan rezultat.

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Kada je pravi trenutak za košnju travnjaka? Potvrđeno

Najbolje razdoblje za košnju travnjaka počinje u ožujku i završava u listopadu. Kositi treba jedanput ili dvaput tjedno, ovisno o tome koliko brzo trava raste. Najbolji dio dana za košnju trave jest pri kraju popodneva i nikad na punom sunčevom svjetlu. Tako se sprječava isušivanje trave nakon rezanja.

Ovo je bilo korisno (255) Čitaj više

Na kojoj površini travnjaka biram električnu, a na kojoj benzinskoj kosilici? Potvrđeno

Za površine do 300 m² možete koristiti baterijsku kosilicu. Za površine veće od te preporuča se upotreba benzinske kosilice.

Ovo je bilo korisno (206) Čitaj više

Mogu li pustiti robotsku kosilicu da radi noću? Potvrđeno

Bolje je ne dopustiti robotskoj kosilici da radi noću. Neke životinje, poput ježeva, uglavnom su aktivne noću. Često nisu dovoljno brzi da pobjegnu iz robotske kosilice i mogu biti teško ranjeni ili ubijeni.

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Priručnik Flymo EM032 Easimo Kosilica

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