Priručnik Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač

Trebate priručnik za svoj Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač? U nastavku možete pogledati i besplatno preuzeti PDF priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku. Ovaj proizvod trenutno ima 3 često postavljanih pitanja, 0 komentara i ima 1 glas s ​​prosječnom ocjenom proizvoda 100/100. Ako ovo nije priručnik koji želite, kontaktirajte nas.

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English 9
Scope of delivery
The scope of delivery for the appliance is shown on the
packaging. Check the contents for completeness when
unpacking. If any accessories are missing or in the
event of any shipping damage, please notify your deal-
Safety devices
Missing or modified safety devices
Safety devices are provided for your own protection.
Never modify or bypass safety devices.
High-pressure gun lock
The lock locks the lever of the high-pressure gun and
prevents the device from starting unintentionally.
Thermostat valve
The thermostat valve protects the pump from overheat-
ing. The water is
heated by the circulation operation.
The thermostat valve opens at a water temperature of
50 °C and releases hot water.
Symbols on the device
Device description
For the illustrations, refer to the graphics page
Illustration A
1 Detergent tank
2 Detergent filling hole
3 Detergent tank fastening screw
4 Quick coupling for high-pressure hose
5 Engine oil filling hole
6 Engine starter motor
7 High-pressure hose storage compartment
8 Plate
9 Transport handle
10 Storage / parking position for high-pressure gun
11 Rotary knob
12 Fuel tank filling hole
13 Power switch "0/OFF" / "I/ON"
14 Type plate
15 Water connection coupling with sieve
16 High-pressure gun
17 High-pressure gun lock
18 Button for separating the high-pressure hose from
the high-pressure gun
19 High-pressure hose
20 Spray lance with dirt grinder for stubborn soiling
21 Vario Power spray lance for common cleaning
tasks. The working pressure can be continuously in-
creased from "SOFT" to "HARD". To adjust the
working pressure, release the trigger gun lever and
turn the spray lance to the desired position. Deter-
gent can be added to the water jet when the spray
lance is turned all the way in the SOFT direction.
22 **Garden hose with commonly available coupling
Fabric reinforced
Diameter of at least 1/2 inch (13 mm)
Length at least 7.5 m
** additionally required
For the illustrations, refer to the graphics page
Place the screws provided and matching screwdriver at
the ready.
Fit the supplied loose parts onto the device before start-
ing up the device.
Installing the detergent tank
1. Pull the free end of the detergent hose out from un-
der the device.
2. Fit the cap at the free end of the detergent hose onto
the hole in the detergent tank.
Illustration B
3. Push the detergent hose through the cap until it
reaches the bottom of the detergent tank.
4. Attach the detergent tank.
Illustration C
Installing the transport handle with plate
1. Fasten the plate to the upper section of the transport
Illustration D
2. Connect the upper and lower transport handle sec-
Illustration E
Starting up
1. Place the device on a flat and level surface.
2. Insert the high-pressure hose into the high-pressure
gun until it audibly latches into place.
Take care to ensure the correct alignment of the nip-
Illustration F
3. Check for a secure connection by pulling on the
high-pressure hose.
4. Insert the high-pressure hose into the quick coupling
until it audibly latches into place.
Take care to ensure the correct alignment of the nip-
Illustration G
5. Check for a secure connection by pulling on the
high-pressure hose.
6. Check the oil level and top up with oil if necessary
(see original operating instructions of the engine).
Illustration H
Do not aim the high-pressure jet may at
persons, animals, live electrical equipment
or the device itself.
Protect the device against frost.
The device may not be directly connected
to the public drinking water network
Risk of burns from hot surfaces.
Health risk from poisonous exhaust gases.
Never inhale the exhaust gases.
Preuzmite priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku (PDF, 9.8 MB)
(Čuvajte okoliš i ovaj priručnik ispišite samo ako je nužno)



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Jeste li zadovoljni s Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač?
Da Ne
1 glas

Pridružite se razgovoru o ovom proizvodu

Ovdje možete podijeliti što mislite o Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač. Ako imate pitanja, prvo pažljivo pročitajte priručnik. Zahtjev za priručnik možete izvršiti putem našeg obrasca za kontakt.

Više o ovom priručniku

Razumijemo da je lijepo imati papirnati priručnik za svoj Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač. Uvijek možete preuzeti priručnik s naše web stranice i sami ga ispisati. Ako želite imati originalni priručnik, preporučujemo da kontaktirate Karcher. Oni bi mogli osigurati originalni priručnik. Tražite li priručnik za svoj Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač na drugom jeziku? Odaberite željeni jezik na našoj početnoj stranici i potražite broj modela da vidite imamo li ga na raspolaganju.

Tehnički podaci

Marka Karcher
Model G 7.180
Kategorija Visokotlačni perači
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 9.8 MB

Svi priručnici za Kärcher Visokotlačni perači
Više priručnika za Visokotlačni perači

Često postavljana pitanja o Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Mogu li čistiti svoj automobil strojem za visokotlačno pranje? Potvrđeno

Da, možete. Stroj za visokotlačno pranje držite na udaljenosti od barem 20 centimetara od automobila i nemojte upotrebljavati tlak veći od 110 bara.

Ovo je bilo korisno (825) Čitaj više

Kako mogu spremiti visokotlačni perač zimi? Potvrđeno

Visokotlačni uređaj je proizvod s dijelovima kroz koje prolazi voda. Uvijek ga potpuno ispraznite prije skladištenja kako biste spriječili oštećenja od mraza. Da ne biste oštetili mraz, najbolje je držati visokotlačni aparat na mjestu bez mraza.

Ovo je bilo korisno (201) Čitaj više

Što znači PSI? Potvrđeno

PSI označava funtu po kvadratnom inču, što ukazuje na količinu pritiska. Što više PSI uređaj za pranje pod pritiskom može isporučiti, to snažnije može očistiti.

Ovo je bilo korisno (201) Čitaj više
Priručnik Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač

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