Priručnik Kela 16639 Fondue set

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the packaging also include a small
barbed hook for securely skewer-
ing the food for cooking.
Heat up high-temperature,
avour-neutral oil or fat to approx.
180 °C. Test: Immerse a wooden
spoon in the oil. The temperature
has been reached if small bubbles
Do not pour water into the hot fat!
Careful: Meat often has a great
deal of liquid and may cause
splashes. Ensure that no liquid fat
can drip on the open ame of the
rechaud. 
The meat, sh or vegetable stock
should be heated to 100 °C. Ex-
cellently suited to preparation of a
vegetarian fondue.
 All parts can become
very hot from use. Use potholders
or oven gloves.
Soak stubborn food residues with
some soapy water and then clean
with a cleaning ball (kela Art. No.
11648) or with a sponge. You can
remove lime scale stains with
Very important! Allow the pot to
cool o completely prior to clean-
ing. Soak food residues in warm
water. Then, clean the pot with hot
water. Dry o well and store in a
dry condition.
Enamelled cast iron is very dura-
ble. However, the surface may be-
come damaged from falling down
or impact. Such damage is not
covered by the guarantee. The pot
may nevertheless continue to be
used. Rub oil into any damaged
points to reduce the risk of rust.
Never scratch the pot with metal
objects. They may damage the
glaze. It is easier to remove ad-
hering residues if water is heated
in the pot again briey and then
rinsed out.
We recommend cleaning by hand.
If the pan is only slightly dirty,
simply wipe it around with a tea
towel. Otherwise, clean the pot in
warm soapy water using a sponge
or cloth. Dry o carefully. Never
scratch the pot with sharp metal
objects. They damage the glaze.
All pots, base plates or fondue
forks with wooden parts must not
be put into soapy water or cleaned
in the dishwasher.
If you use a fondue with a rotating
carousel, please turn the spoons
in the dip bowls outwards.
Before using the device, ensure
that the rechaud is stably posi-
tioned and protect your table top
from radiant heat, if necessary.
- Open burner (screw cap).
- Use safety fuel paste. Remove
lid.  For your safety,
only use the appropriate safety
fuel passes. Our recommenda-
tion: kela Safety Fuel Paste Art.
No. 63018
- Close burner, insert into appro-
priate rechaud and light. 
Only use appropriate
rechauds with good and stable
- Regulate strength of ame with
slider.  Never leave
children unsupervised near the
Enjoy cooking at the table with
your new fondue. Bon appetit!
Chers clients kela,
Nous vous félicitons pour
l’acquisition de votre produit de
qualité durable kela. Veuillez lire
les informations suivantes sur le
produit, les consignes d’utilisation
optimale et d’entretien, ainsi que
les recommandations decurité
Preuzmite priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku (PDF, 2.12 MB)
(Čuvajte okoliš i ovaj priručnik ispišite samo ako je nužno)



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Tehnički podaci

Marka Kela
Model 16639
Kategorija Fondue setovi
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 2.12 MB

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