Priručnik Vox DBL5003 Glačalo

Trebate priručnik za svoj Vox DBL5003 Glačalo? U nastavku možete pogledati i besplatno preuzeti PDF priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku. Ovaj proizvod trenutno ima 4 često postavljanih pitanja, 0 komentara i ima 0 glasova. Ako ovo nije priručnik koji želite, kontaktirajte nas.

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Press the spray button to spray water on clothes, as often as required.
Note: When using the water spray function, ensure that there is enough water in the water tank,
and you may have to pump the spray button several times at first time you use the iron in order
to start the spraying function.
Press the burst of Steam button to generate a powerful burst of steam that can penetrate the fab-rics
and smooth the most difficult and tough creases. Wait for a few seconds before pressing again.
By pressing the Burst of Steam Button at intervals you can also iron vertically (curtain, hung gar-
ments, etc.)
Note: The burst steam function can only be used at high temperature. Stop the emission when
the pilot light turns on, then start ironing again only after the pilot light has turned off.
For ironing without steam, follow the instruction in section “steam ironing”, however, the steam
control turning knob should remain in position “O” (no steam).
A special filter inside the water tank softens the water and prevents scale build-up in the
soleplate. The filter is permanent and does not need replacing.
This iron is equipped with drip stop function: the iron automatically stops steaming when the
tempera-ture is too low to prevent water from dripping out of the soleplate.
With the anti-dripping system, you can perfectly iron even the most delicate fabrics.
An electronic safety device will automatically switch the heating element off if the iron has not
been moved more than 30 seconds in a horizontal position. If in a vertical position, this will
happen after 8 minutes. To indicate that the heating element has been switched off, the atuo-off
pilot light will start blinking.
When picking up the iron again, the auto-off pilot light will turn off. The power pilot light will
turn on.This indicates that the iron is heating up again.
Wait for the power pilot light to turn off. Then the iron is ready for use.
After using, lift the iron with the filling hole downwards to empty the remaining water from
the Water tank.
Insert the plug into the socket, and set the Temperature Control Dial to “MAX” for 1-2 minutes to
evaporate the remaining water, and then unplug the iron and let it cool down before storing it.
Preuzmite priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku (PDF, 0.88 MB)
(Čuvajte okoliš i ovaj priručnik ispišite samo ako je nužno)



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Tehnički podaci

Marka Vox
Model DBL5003
Kategorija Glačala
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 0.88 MB

Svi priručnici za Vox Glačala
Više priručnika za Glačala

Često postavljana pitanja o Vox DBL5003 Glačalo

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Mogu li očistiti dno glačala pomoću čistača? Potvrđeno

Ne, ovo bi moglo oštetiti dno. Za čišćenje koristite vlažnu krpu ili meku spužvu.

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Koje su razlike između parnog glačala i običnog glačala? Potvrđeno

Najveća prednost parnog glačala je što lakše uklanja bore zbog upotrebe pare. Obično glačalo je naprotiv puno lakše i često jeftinije.

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Potplat mog željeza je obezbojen, mogu li i dalje glačati njime? Potvrđeno

To je moguće, ali postoji vjerojatnost da će se istrljati na svijetlu odjeću.

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Mogu li glačati gumbe? Potvrđeno

Ne, to će oštetiti potplat glačala i to će spriječiti glačalo da radi ispravno. Nikada nemojte glačati gumbe, patentne zatvarače ili druge tvrde predmete.

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Priručnik Vox DBL5003 Glačalo

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