Priručnik Electrolux GI7020GR Kuhinjska napa

Trebate priručnik za svoj Electrolux GI7020GR Kuhinjska napa? U nastavku možete pogledati i besplatno preuzeti PDF priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku. Ovaj proizvod trenutno ima 3 često postavljanih pitanja, 0 komentara i ima 0 glasova. Ako ovo nije priručnik koji želite, kontaktirajte nas.

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The Instructions for Use apply to several
versions of this appliance. Accordingly, you
may nd descriptions of individual features
that do not apply to your specic appliance.
The manufacturer will not be held liable for
any damages resulting from incorrect or
improper installation.
The minimum safety distance between the
cooker top and the extractor hood is 650 mm
(some models can be installed at a lower
height, please refer to the paragraphs on
working dimensions and installation).
Check that the mains voltage corresponds to
that indicated on the rating plate xed to the
inside of the hood.
For Class I appliances, check that the do-
mestic power supply guarantees adequate
Connect the extractor to the exhaust ue
through a pipe of minimum diameter 120
mm. The route of the ue must be as short
as possible.
Do not connect the extractor hood to exhaust
ducts carrying combustion fumes (boilers,
replaces, etc.).
If the extractor is used in conjunction with
non-electrical appliances (e.g. gas burning
appliances), a sufcient degree of aeration
must be guaranteed in the room in order to
prevent the backow of exhaust gas. The
kitchen must have an opening communicating
directly with the open air in order to guarantee
the entry of clean air. When the cooker hood is
used in conjunction with appliances supplied
with energy other than electric, the negative
pressure in the room must not exceed 0,04
mbar to prevent fumes being drawn back into
the room by the cooker hood.
In the event of damage to the power cable, it
must be replaced by the manufacturer or by
the technical service department, in order to
prevent any risks.
Connect the hood to the mains through a
two-pole switch having a contact gap of at
least 3 mm.
If the instructions for installation for the gas
hob specify a greater distance specied
above, this has to be taken into account.
Regulations concerning the discharge of air
have to be fullled.
2. USE
The extractor hood has been designed
exclusively for domestic use to eliminate
kitchen smells.
Never use the hood for purposes other than
for which it has been designed.
Never leave high naked ames under the
hood when it is in operation.
Adjust the ame intensity to direct it onto the
bottom of the pan only, making sure that it
does not engulf the sides.
Deep fat fryers must be continuously moni-
tored during use: overheated oil can burst
into ames.
Do not ambè under the range hood; risk
of re.
This appliance is not intended for use by
persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruc-
tion concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
“CAUTION: Accessible parts may become
hot when used with cooking ap-pliances”.
Switch off or unplug the appliance from the
mains supply before carrying out any main-
tenance work.
Clean and/or replace the Filters after the
specied time period (Fire hazard).
- H This lter cannot be washed and should
be replaced every 2 months.
- Activated charcoal lter W These lters are
not washable and cannot be regenerated,
and must be replaced approximately every
4 months of operation, or more frequently
with heavy usage.
Preuzmite priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku (PDF, 30.26 MB)
(Čuvajte okoliš i ovaj priručnik ispišite samo ako je nužno)



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0 glasovi

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Ovdje možete podijeliti što mislite o Electrolux GI7020GR Kuhinjska napa. Ako imate pitanja, prvo pažljivo pročitajte priručnik. Zahtjev za priručnik možete izvršiti putem našeg obrasca za kontakt.

Više o ovom priručniku

Razumijemo da je lijepo imati papirnati priručnik za svoj Electrolux GI7020GR Kuhinjska napa. Uvijek možete preuzeti priručnik s naše web stranice i sami ga ispisati. Ako želite imati originalni priručnik, preporučujemo da kontaktirate Electrolux. Oni bi mogli osigurati originalni priručnik. Tražite li priručnik za svoj Electrolux GI7020GR Kuhinjska napa na drugom jeziku? Odaberite željeni jezik na našoj početnoj stranici i potražite broj modela da vidite imamo li ga na raspolaganju.

Tehnički podaci

Marka Electrolux
Model GI7020GR
Kategorija Kuhinjske nape
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 30.26 MB

Svi priručnici za Electrolux Kuhinjske nape
Više priručnika za Kuhinjske nape

Često postavljana pitanja o Electrolux GI7020GR Kuhinjska napa

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Kolika bi trebala biti udaljenost između štednjaka i nape? Potvrđeno

Može se razlikovati ovisno o proizvođaču, ali napa bi se općenito trebala nalaziti najmanje 65 centimetara iznad plinskog plamenika te najmanje 50 centimetara iznad električne ili indukcijske ploče. Na taj se način postiže bolja zaštita od požara.

Ovo je bilo korisno (1230) Čitaj više

Želim znati starost svog Electrolux uređaja. Kako da to učinim? Potvrđeno

Pomoću serijskog broja možete odrediti starost svog proizvoda. To se može pronaći na vašem uređaju. Prvi znak serijskog broja označava godinu (tj .: 1 = 2001), a dva znaka nakon toga označavaju tjedan proizvodnje (tj.: 35 = 35. tjedan te godine). Dakle, serijski broj 13500016 označava da je stroj iz 35. tjedna 2001. godine.

Ovo je bilo korisno (866) Čitaj više

Treba li mi napa za napa sa motorom ili bez? Potvrđeno

Aspiratori s motorom namijenjeni su kada se zrak premješta izravno van. Aspirator za kuhanje bez motora namijenjen je kada postoji centralni ventilacijski sustav. Nikada ne spajajte nape s motorom na centralni ventilacijski sustav!

Ovo je bilo korisno (657) Čitaj više
Priručnik Electrolux GI7020GR Kuhinjska napa

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