Priručnik Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila

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a) Check guard for proper closing before each use. Do
not operate the saw if guard does not move freely
and enclose the blade instantly. Never clamp or tie
the guard so that the blade is exposed. If saw is
accidentally dropped, guard may be bent. Check to make
sure that guard moves freely and does not touch the
blade or any other part, in all angles and depths of cut.
b) Check the operation and condition of the guard
return spring. If the guard and the spring are not
operating properly, they must be serviced before
use. Guard may operate sluggishly due to damaged
parts, gummy deposits, or a build-up of debris.
c) Assure that the base plate of the saw will not shift
while performing the “plunge cut” when the blade
bevel setting is not at 90°. Blade shifting sideways will
cause binding and likely kickback.
d) Always observe that the guard is covering the blade
before placing saw down on bench or floor. An
unprotected, coasting blade will cause the saw to walk
backwards, cutting whatever is in its path. Be aware of
the time it takes for the blade to stop after switch is
a) The guard provided with the tool must be securely
attached to the power tool and positioned for
maximum safety, so the least amount of wheel is
exposed towards the operator. Position yourself
and bystanders away from the plane of the rotating
wheel. The guard helps to protect operator from broken
wheel fragments and accidental contact with wheel.
b) Use only diamond cut-off wheels for your power
tool. Just because an accessory can be attached to the
power tool, it does not assure safe operation.
c) The rated speed of the accessory must be at least
equal to the maximum speed marked on the power
tool. Accessories running faster than their rated speed
can y apart.
d) Wheels must be used only for recommended
applications. For example: Do not grind with the side of
a cut-o wheel. Abrasive cut-o wheels are intended for
peripheral grinding; side forces applied to these wheels
may cause them to shatter.
e) Always use undamaged wheel flanges that are of
correct diameter for your selected wheel. Proper
wheel anges support the wheel thus reducing the
possibility of wheel breakage.
f) The outside diameter and the thickness of your
accessory must be within the capacity rating of your
power tool. Incorrectly sized accessories cannot be
adequately guarded or controlled.
g) The arbour size of wheels and flanges must
properly fit the spindle of the power tool. Wheels and
anges with arbour holes that do not match the mounting
hardware of the power tool will run out of balance, vibrate
excessively and may cause loss of control.
h) Do not use damaged wheels. Before each use
inspect the wheels for chips and cracks. If power
tool or wheel is dropped, inspect for damage or
install an undamaged wheel. After inspecting and
installing the wheel, position yourself and
bystanders away from the plane of the rotating
wheel and run the power tool at maximum no load
speed for one minute. Damaged wheels will normally
break apart during this test time.
i) Wear personal protective equipment 6. Depending
on application, use face shield, safety goggles or
safety glasses. As appropriate, wear dust mask,
hearing protectors, gloves and shop apron capable
of stopping small abrasive or workpiece fragments.
The eye protection must be capable of stopping ying
debris generated by various operations. The dust mask or
respirator must be capable of ltrating particles
generated by your operation. Prolonged exposure to high
intensity noise may cause hearing loss.
j) Keep bystanders a safe distance away from work
area. Anyone entering the work area must wear
personal protective equipment. Fragments of the
workpiece or of a broken accessory may fly away and
cause injury beyond the immediate area of operation.
k) Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces
only, when performing an operation where the
cutting accessory may contact hidden wiring or its
own cord. A cutting accessory contacting a “live” wire
may make exposed metal parts of the power tool “live”
and could give the operator an electric shock.
l) Position the cord clear of the spinning accessory. If
you lose control, the cord may be cut or snagged and
your hand or arm may be pulled into the spinning
m) Never lay the power tool down until the accessory
has come to a complete stop. The spinning accessory
may grab the surface and pull the power tool out of your
n) Do not run the power tool while carrying it at your
side. Accidental contact with the spinning accessory
could snag your clothing, pulling the accessory into your
o) Regularly clean the power tool’s air vents. The
motor’s fan will draw the dust inside the housing and
excessive accumulation of powdered metal may cause
electrical hazards.
p) Do not operate the power tool near flammable
materials. Sparks could ignite these materials.
q) Do not use accessories that require liquid coolants.
Using water or other liquid coolants may result in
electrocution or shock.
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged
rotating wheel. Pinching or snagging causes rapid stalling
of the rotating wheel which in turn causes the uncontrolled
power tool to be forced in the direction opposite of the
wheel’s rotation at the point of the binding.
For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged or pinched
by the workpiece, the edge of the wheel that is entering
into the pinch point can dig into the surface of the
material causing the wheel to climb out or kick out. The
wheel may either jump toward or away from the operator,
depending on the direction of the wheel’s movement at
the point of pinching. Abrasive wheels may also break
under these conditions.
Kickback is the result of power tool misuse and/or
incorrect operating procedures or conditions and can be
avoided by taking proper precautions as given below.
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Tehnički podaci

Marka Skil
Model 5330 AA
Kategorija Kružne pile
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 5.79 MB

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Često postavljana pitanja o Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Koliko milimetara treba da pila viri ispod materijala koji pilim? Potvrđeno

Najbolje je da ovo bude na 3 mm ili više. Kad je manje, postoji vjerojatnost da će se materijal raspasti ili dovesti do ružnog rezultata.

Ovo je bilo korisno (95) Čitaj više

Trebam li nositi zaštitu za sluh kada koristim kružnu pilu? Potvrđeno

Da trebao bi. Iako se količina buke koju proizvodi kružna pila može razlikovati od marke do modela, dugotrajna izloženost jakoj buci može trajno oštetiti sluh. Zbog toga je dobro nositi zaštitu za sluh.

Ovo je bilo korisno (43) Čitaj više

Mogu li pohraniti električne alate u šupi ili garaži? Potvrđeno

Općenito, električni alat možete pohraniti u šupu ili garažu, čak i ako se tamo ponekad smrzne. Ipak, za životni vijek električnog alata bolje je čuvati ga na suhom mjestu bez većih temperaturnih oscilacija. U šupi ili garaži, razlike u temperaturi mogu uzrokovati stvaranje kondenzacije, što može uzrokovati hrđu. Osim toga, alati koji rade na baterije traju kraće i ne pune se dobro na vrlo niskim temperaturama. Kako biste bili sigurni kako vaš električni alat treba biti pohranjen, uvijek temeljito pročitajte korisnički priručnik.

Ovo je bilo korisno (13) Čitaj više
Priručnik Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila

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