Priručnik Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila

Trebate priručnik za svoj Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila? U nastavku možete pogledati i besplatno preuzeti PDF priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku. Ovaj proizvod trenutno ima 3 često postavljanih pitanja, 0 komentara i ima 0 glasova. Ako ovo nije priručnik koji želite, kontaktirajte nas.

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a) Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and position
your body and arm to allow you to resist kickback
forces. Always use auxiliary handle, if provided, for
maximum control over kickback or torque reaction
during start-up. The operator can control torque reactions
or kickback forces, if proper precautions are taken.
b) Never place your hand near the rotating accessory.
The accessory may kickback over your hand.
c) Do not position your body in line with and behind
the rotating wheel. When the wheel, at the point of
operation, is moving away from your body, the possible
kickback may propel the spinning wheel and the power
tool directly at you.
d) Use special care when working corners, sharp
edges etc. Avoid bouncing and snagging the
accessory. Corners, sharp edges or bouncing have a
tendency to snag the rotating accessory and cause loss
of control or kickback.
e) Do not attach a saw chain, woodcarving blade,
segmented diamond wheel with a peripheral gap
greater than 10 mm, or toothed saw blade.Such
blades create frequent kickback and loss of control.
f) Do not “jam” the cut-off wheel or apply excessive
pressure. Do not attempt to make an excessive depth
of cut. Overstressing the wheel increases the loading and
susceptibility to twisting or binding of the wheel in the cut
and the possibility of kickback or wheel breakage.
g) When the wheel is binding or when interrupting a cut
for any reason, switch off the power tool and hold the
power tool motionless until the wheel comes to a
complete stop. Never attempt to remove the cut-off
wheel from the cut while the wheel is in motion,
otherwise kickback may occur. Investigate and take
corrective action to eliminate the cause of wheel binding.
h) Do not restart the cutting operation in the
workpiece. Let the wheel reach full speed and
carefully re-enter the cut. The wheel may bind, walk up
or kickback if the power tool is restarted in the workpiece.
i) Support panels or any oversized workpiece to
minimize the risk of wheel pinching and kickback.
Large workpieces tend to sag under their own weight.
Supports must be placed under the workpiece near the
line of cut and near the edge of the workpiece on both
sides of the wheel.
j) Use extra caution when making a “pocket cut” into
existing walls or other blind areas. The protruding
wheel may cut gas or water pipes, electrical wiring or
objects that can cause kickback.
This tool is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the tool by a person responsible for their safety
Before using the tool for the rst time, it is recommended
to receive practical information
This tool is not suitable for wet cutting 3
Always disconnect plug from power source before
making any adjustment or changing any accessory
Never use the tool for side grinding
Never use the tool when cord is damaged; have it
replaced by a qualied person
Do not operate the power tool stationary (it is not
designed for operation with a saw table)
Do not work materials containing asbestos (asbestos
is considered carcinogenic)
Do not saw ferrous metals (red hot chips can ignite the
dust extraction)
When working stone, use dust extraction; the vacuum
cleaner must be approved for the extraction of stone
dust (using this equipment reduces dust-related hazards)
Dust from material such as paint containing lead, some
wood species, minerals and metal may be harmful
(contact with or inhalation of the dust may cause allergic
reactions and/or respiratory diseases to the operator or
bystanders); wear a dust mask and work with a dust
extraction device when connectable
Certain kinds of dust are classied as carcinogenic (such
as oak and beech dust) especially in conjunction with
additives for wood conditioning; wear a dust mask and
work with a dust extraction device when connectable
Follow the dust-related national requirements for the
materials you want to work with
SKIL can assure awless functioning of the tool only
when original accessories are used
Use only accessories with an allowable speed matching
at least the highest no-load speed of the tool
Use only saw blades/cut-off wheels with a minimum
diameter of 85 mm, a maximum diameter of 89 mm
and a spindle hole of 10 mm
Never use grinding discs with this tool
Always check that the supply voltage is the same as the
voltage indicated on the nameplate of the tool
Avoid damage that can be caused by screws, nails and
other elements in your workpiece; remove them before
you start working
Be familiar with the controls and the proper use of the tool
Remove all obstacles on top of as well as underneath the
cutting path before you start cutting
Secure the workpiece (a workpiece clamped with
clamping devices or in a vice is held more securely than
by hand)
Use suitable detectors to find hidden utility lines or call
the local utility company for assistance (contact with
electric lines can lead to re or electrical shock; damaging a
gas line can result in an explosion; penetrating a water pipe
will cause property damage or an electrical shock)
Use completely unrolled and safe extension cords with a
capacity of 16 Amps (U.K. 13 Amps)
The noise level when working can exceed 85 dB(A); wear
ear protection
Always keep the cord away from moving parts of the tool;
direct the cord to the rear, away from the tool
Never use the tool without the original protection guard
Do not attempt to cut extremely small workpieces
Do not work overhead with the power tool (sucient
control of the power tool is not ensured in this working
Preuzmite priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku (PDF, 5.79 MB)
(Čuvajte okoliš i ovaj priručnik ispišite samo ako je nužno)



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Ovdje možete podijeliti što mislite o Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila. Ako imate pitanja, prvo pažljivo pročitajte priručnik. Zahtjev za priručnik možete izvršiti putem našeg obrasca za kontakt.

Više o ovom priručniku

Razumijemo da je lijepo imati papirnati priručnik za svoj Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila. Uvijek možete preuzeti priručnik s naše web stranice i sami ga ispisati. Ako želite imati originalni priručnik, preporučujemo da kontaktirate Skil. Oni bi mogli osigurati originalni priručnik. Tražite li priručnik za svoj Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila na drugom jeziku? Odaberite željeni jezik na našoj početnoj stranici i potražite broj modela da vidite imamo li ga na raspolaganju.

Tehnički podaci

Marka Skil
Model 5330 AA
Kategorija Kružne pile
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 5.79 MB

Svi priručnici za Skil Kružne pile
Više priručnika za Kružne pile

Često postavljana pitanja o Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Koliko milimetara treba da pila viri ispod materijala koji pilim? Potvrđeno

Najbolje je da ovo bude na 3 mm ili više. Kad je manje, postoji vjerojatnost da će se materijal raspasti ili dovesti do ružnog rezultata.

Ovo je bilo korisno (95) Čitaj više

Trebam li nositi zaštitu za sluh kada koristim kružnu pilu? Potvrđeno

Da trebao bi. Iako se količina buke koju proizvodi kružna pila može razlikovati od marke do modela, dugotrajna izloženost jakoj buci može trajno oštetiti sluh. Zbog toga je dobro nositi zaštitu za sluh.

Ovo je bilo korisno (43) Čitaj više

Mogu li pohraniti električne alate u šupi ili garaži? Potvrđeno

Općenito, električni alat možete pohraniti u šupu ili garažu, čak i ako se tamo ponekad smrzne. Ipak, za životni vijek električnog alata bolje je čuvati ga na suhom mjestu bez većih temperaturnih oscilacija. U šupi ili garaži, razlike u temperaturi mogu uzrokovati stvaranje kondenzacije, što može uzrokovati hrđu. Osim toga, alati koji rade na baterije traju kraće i ne pune se dobro na vrlo niskim temperaturama. Kako biste bili sigurni kako vaš električni alat treba biti pohranjen, uvijek temeljito pročitajte korisnički priručnik.

Ovo je bilo korisno (13) Čitaj više
Priručnik Skil 5330 AA Kružna pila

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