Priručnik Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač

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10 English
7. Fill the fuel tank (see original operating instructions
of the engine).
Illustration I
Water supply
For the connection values, see the type plate or chapter
Technical data.
Observe the water distribution company regulations.
Damage through contaminated water
Contamination in the water can damage the pump and
the accessories.
KÄRCHER recommends using the KÄRCHER water fil-
ter for protection(special accessory, order number
Connection to the water line
Damage to the pump
A metal hose coupling with Aquastop on the garden
hose can cause damage to the pump.
Use a plastic hose coupling or a KÄRCHER brass hose
1. Plug the garden hose onto the water connection
Illustration J
2. Connect the garden hose to the water line.
3. Open the water tap fully.
Sucking water from open containers
When used with the KÄRCHER suction hose with check
valve (special accessory, order number 2.643-100) and
the adapter (special accessory, order no. 5.443-479.0)
this high-pressure cleaner is suitable for sucking up sur-
face water, e.g. from rain barrels or ponds (for the max-
imum suction height see chapter Technical data).
The water connection coupling is not required for vacu-
uming operation.
1. Fill the suction hose with water.
2. Screw the suction hose onto the device water con-
nection and hang it in a water source (e.g. water
Vent the device
1. Set the power switch to the "I/ON" position.
2. Fill the fuel tank (see original operating instructions
of the engine).
The engine and high-pressure pump switch on.
3. Unlock the lever of the high-pressure gun.
4. Press the lever of the high-pressure gun.
5. Allow the device for run a maximum of 2 minutes un-
til the water escaping from the high-pressure gun is
free of air bubbles.
6. Release the lever of the high-pressure gun.
7. Lock the lever of the high-pressure gun.
Pump running dry
Damage to the device
If pressure does not build up in the device after 2 min-
utes then switch the device off and proceed according
to the instructions in chapter Troubleshooting guide.
High-pressure operation
Damage to painted or sensitive surfaces
Surfaces can be damaged when the jet is too close to
the surface or an unsuitable spray lance is used.
Maintain a minimum spray distance of 30 cm when
cleaning painted surfaces.
Do not clean car tyres, paint or sensitive surfaces such
as wood with the dirt grinder.
1. Insert a spray lance into the high-pressure gun and
lock it by turning it 90°.
Illustration K
2. Set the power switch to the "I/ON" position.
3. Fill the fuel tank (see original operating instructions
of the engine).
The engine and high-pressure pump switch on.
4. Unlock the lever of the high-pressure gun.
5. Press the lever of the high-pressure gun.
Operation with detergent
Failure to adhere to the safety data sheet
Incorrect handling of the detergent can seriously dam-
age your health
Observe the safety data sheet of the detergent manu-
facturer, in particular the instructions on personal pro-
tective equipment.
Detergent can only be mixed into the jet at low pressure.
1. Fill the detergent solution into the detergent tank.
Adhere to the dosage specifications on the deter-
gent container.
2. Close the detergent tank with the cover.
3. Use the Vario Power spray lance.
4. Turn the spray lance all the way in the "SOFT" direc-
The detergent solution is mixed with the water jet
during operation.
Recommended cleaning method
1. Spray the detergent sparingly on the dry surface and
let it work for a while (do not let it dry).
2. Rinse off the loosened dirt with the high-pressure
After operation with detergent
1. Flush the device with clear water for approx. 30 sec-
Interrupting operation
1. Release the lever of the high-pressure gun.
The engine continues running at idling speed when
the trigger of the high-pressure gun is released. The
water then circulates within the pump and heats up.
When the water has
reached the maximum permis-
sible temperature of 50 °C, the thermostat valve
opens and the heated water flows out of the device.
2. Lock the lever of the high-pressure gun.
3. Insert the high-pressure gun into the high-pressure
gun storage compartment.
4. Switch the device off "0/OFF" during work breaks
longer than 5 minutes.
Finishing operation
Pressure in the system
Injuries from high-pressure water escaping uncontrolla-
Only disconnect the high-pressure hose from the high-
pressure gun or the device when the system is fully de-
1. Release the lever of the high-pressure gun.
2. Cut off the water supply.
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Tehnički podaci

Marka Karcher
Model G 7.180
Kategorija Visokotlačni perači
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Veličina datoteke 9.8 MB

Svi priručnici za Kärcher Visokotlačni perači
Više priručnika za Visokotlačni perači

Često postavljana pitanja o Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač

Naš tim za podršku pretražuje korisne informacije o proizvodu i odgovore na česta pitanja. Ako u častim pitanjima naiđete na netočne informacije, obratite nam se putem obrasca za kontakt.

Mogu li čistiti svoj automobil strojem za visokotlačno pranje? Potvrđeno

Da, možete. Stroj za visokotlačno pranje držite na udaljenosti od barem 20 centimetara od automobila i nemojte upotrebljavati tlak veći od 110 bara.

Ovo je bilo korisno (825) Čitaj više

Kako mogu spremiti visokotlačni perač zimi? Potvrđeno

Visokotlačni uređaj je proizvod s dijelovima kroz koje prolazi voda. Uvijek ga potpuno ispraznite prije skladištenja kako biste spriječili oštećenja od mraza. Da ne biste oštetili mraz, najbolje je držati visokotlačni aparat na mjestu bez mraza.

Ovo je bilo korisno (201) Čitaj više

Što znači PSI? Potvrđeno

PSI označava funtu po kvadratnom inču, što ukazuje na količinu pritiska. Što više PSI uređaj za pranje pod pritiskom može isporučiti, to snažnije može očistiti.

Ovo je bilo korisno (201) Čitaj više
Priručnik Kärcher G 7.180 Visokotlačni perač

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